Villa Escudero Plantations. Photo by SinoPinas courtesy of the Department of Tourism.

When you ask people what traveling is for them, some will say it is a form of relaxation and a way to escape from their busy life. Others will probably tell you that it is a luxury they reward themselves when things get rough and traveling is a break that they need.

Cagbalete Island. Photo by SinoPinas courtesy of the Department of Tourism.

As you explore the great wide somewhere, here are some tips that might help you enjoy your trip.

Always interact with locals

While seeing a new destination with the fresh eyes of a tourist is enjoyable in itself, touching base with locals can add a lot to the experience.

For example, as points out, it lends your trip a layer of authenticity. There is only so much a Google search can tell you. Locals can share secrets with you and point you to places that aren’t tourist traps. They can suggest activities that are outside of your itinerary and, sometimes, even your comfort zone.

Apart from all of that, interacting with locals might also even lead to lifelong friendships—ones that you can happily go back to when you hopefully make a return trip to that destination.

Be respectful of the culture you are entering

The Philippines has such a rich tapestry of cultures, differing from locale to locale. It might be weird to suggest this, but some travelers sometimes forget to be friendly, understanding and courteous of the place they are visiting.

Because, yes, you are a guest there, so offer that place the respect that is expected of a visitor. As suggests, it might be best to read up on the culture and customs of your destination.

This can give your trip more meaning and substance, and you’ll be able to immerse in their way of life more.

Mauban Pasalubong Center. Photo by SinoPinas courtesy of the Department of Tourism.

Be mindful of your spending

Of course, being aware of where your money is going should be an everyday goal. But when traveling, it can be argued that it becomes even more crucial.

Again, research helps. As Nomad is Beautiful points out, knowing where to go and what experiences to prioritize can keep your wallets from going on empty. Reading up on the locale can also point you to places where you can get the best prices. Perhaps draw up a budget beforehand, but always make an allowance in case of emergencies or even an emergency buy.

Being wary of where your money goes also means understanding how it affects the community you are visiting. Your peso has the ability to feed a family and reinvigorate local tourism, so make sure your little investment is helping those who need it.

Hire local transportation

It’s great to commute while in a different city or town as it helps you walk through the paths and go through the motions of a local. But commissioning transportation might be more practical—especially when you have a big group.

Not only will it give income to someone in that locale, but you also get to discover hidden gems along the way and control the time you spend on each spot. And, according to Ever in Transit, you get to meet real people along the way while also helping the cities or towns that you are in a better place.

Travel with an open mind

According to the famous writer Mark Twain, traveling more makes you tolerant and open-minded. But we wager that this is only true if you allow yourself to be changed by the experience.

Try out different dishes offered to you no matter how exotic it is. Be open to joining the locals once they invite you to their community gatherings. Always be open to other travelers’ views and opinions no matter how opposite they are to yours. Not sticking to the usual allows you to grow not just as a traveler, but as a human being.

Travel safely!

All these destinations have health and safety protocols in place to protect locals and visitors alike. Everyone is expected to comply by wearing face masks, regularly washing their hands, and practicing physical distancing.

To check out up-to-date information regarding local destinations that are open and the safety protocols and requirements needed for each location, you may visit or download the Travel Philippines app at or the Google Playstore.